Wireless Communication And Networks By William Stallings Pdf Download [UPD]
Wireless Communication Networks and Systems covers all types of wireless communications, from satellite and cellular to local and personal area networks. Organized into four easily comprehensible, reader-friendly parts, it presents a clear and comprehensive overview of the field of wireless communications. For those who are new to the topic, the book explains basic principles and fundamental topics concerning the technology and architecture of the field. Numerous figures and tables help clarify discussions, and each chapter includes a list of keywords, review questions, homework problems, and suggestions for further reading. The book includes an extensive online glossary, a list of frequently used acronyms, and a reference list. A diverse set of projects and other student exercises enables instructors to use the book as a component in a varied learning experience, tailoring courses to meet their specific needs.
Wireless Communication And Networks By William Stallings Pdf Download
Wireless Communications and Networks, 2e, provides one of the most up-to-date and accurate overviews of wireless principles, technology, and application. It is ideal for courses in wireless networking, wireless communications, wireless data communications or wireless technology in departments of Computer Science, Engineering, IT, and Continuing Education.
Best-selling author, William Stallings, gives an up-to-date coverage of both wireless communications and wireless networks with new expanded coverage of Wi-Fi and WiMax. Designed for students and professionals, this text explores the key networking topics with a unique approach covering: technology and architecture, network design approaches, and types of networks and applications.DISTINGUISHING KEY FEATURES
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